Sunday, March 25, 2012


Climbing the Leaning Tower of Pisa is an experience unlike any other - even though we've climbed many towers already none leave you feeling so disoriented.  The top of the tower, at it's furthest lean, is 15 feet off of the bottom of the tower - a very significant angle.  And going up the spiral stairs you really start to feel the lean right away. 
They builders realized that the tower was sinking on one side pretty much from the start of the project, but being stubborn, they just forged ahead with it.  It was closed for more than a decade recently as it had become too unstable for people to go up it, but after some clever engineering work that involved drying out the wet soil and attaching a huge lead weight to one side of the base (underground) it has been deemed safe for another few years (200 or so).

Entering the "Field of Miracles" - all the building of the cathedral complex lean to some extent.  It's a miracle none have collapsed.

Inside the cathedral.  The leaning tower of Pisa exists only to house the bells to tell people it is time to come to church.

The lean is significant

Mr. Johnson greets the tiny people down below...

...who don't seem to be paying attention to him

Gavin has had enough - time to go down

Mr. J and Josh with the cathedral and the baptistry behind them

WC - one of the favourite signs for some of the people in our group this year

Getting it together

The friendly salesman of the Pisa bus parking lot

C'mon Rens, you need some authentic Armani sunglasses - good deal, just for you

Versace bag anyone?

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